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Peter Kortvel

Get Product Marketing Done

For your pre-seed & seed tech startup
to jumpstart your Product Market Fit

I offer a set of product marketing packages tailored for pre-defined budgets. Using practical tools and frameworks, I help pre-seed and seed startups lay the foundation of Product Marketing without the fluff.

Quick test: How many of these problems do you have?

No product market fit yet: If you’re not overwhelmed by growth, you likely don’t have PMF.

Investors not excited: They don’t really get your product and don’t trust you can grow.

Your website & pitch deck are not great: They can’t explain product in seconds and don’t tell a powerful story.

Core product doesn’t sell: You rely too much on promising future vision to actually sell.

Potential customers don’t get it: Conversations with prospects don’t light up their eyes.

If they get it they don’t buy: Prospects may get excited but “it’s not the right time yet”.

Marketing beats around the bush: You get leads or trials but can’t transform them into paid clients.

Ineffective sales: Something is off, you can’t reach your sales targets.

Bad retention: Customers try product but don’t keep using.

What you’ll achieve

Investors will see strong differentiation in your product (positioning) that resonates with a well-defined niche (ICP) and a clear Go-to-Market path. Customers will get your Unique Product Value and how it solves their problems. You will have powerful messaging to build all materials such as sales pitch decks, website, product video or outreach emails. Journalists will want to feature your captivating story and they will understand your product within a market category and trends. You will be able to sell your core product efficiently without building more stuff. Customers will stay after just trying your product. You will have a clear path toward your market and Product Market Fit.

How You’ll Feel After Getting Product Marketing Done

  • Like a Clean House: Your product message will be decluttered and powerful.
  • Like a Perfect Date: You’ll know exactly what to say to make prospects’ eyes shine.
  • Like a Gym Routine: You’ll have a clear plan to reaching your market goal.

Why me

With 13 years of experience, I know Product Marketing inside out. I write with 1700+ subscribers and have 12k+ followers on LinkedIn learning from me. With 6 years in one of the most successful Swiss tech unicorns as a Product Marketer I know how to get Product Marketing done for you as well. With my experience leading online marketing for a large bank, I know how to get clients online effectively. I co-founded an IoT startup, gained traction but failed – so I know how it feels and won’t allow this to happen to you. Based in Zurich, Switzerland.

Peter Kortvel Product Marketing
Peter Kortvel

Here’s your path toward Product Market Fit

You may pick separate packages based on your most burning need, however, often it is best to select the full package because the stages are built on top of each other and deeper issues may surface anyways. My availability is limited so contact me now to Get Product Marketing Done.

PackagePrice from
1. Burning Problem Package
1.1 Jobs-to-be-Done Review
2. Demanded Product Package
2.1 Product Review
2.2 Product Value Definition
2.3 Product Explanation Package
3. Hungry Market Package
3.1 Competitor Analysis
3.2 Differentiation & Market Fit
3.3 Market Category & Trends
4. Faithful Customers Package
4.1 Ideal Customer Profile
4.2 Persona Definition
5. Efficient Selling Package
5.1 Messaging
5.2 Storytelling
5.3 Go-to-Market Blueprint
Full Package: Path toward Product Market FitUSD7500 USD5000

Don’t waste any more time. Get Product Marketing Done now.

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